Friday, November 14, 2014

Things are going great!

So about a week ago I asked my mentor (aka my mother) to help me with some of the notes and keys. She took one look at the sheet music and told me that it was one of the most complicated pieces she'd ever seen. We attempted to tackle the insane amount of notes but, according to my mother, the key that this particular sheet music was in was way too difficult for someone of my skill level.

So naturally I began to stress like it was finals week and all my binders had caught on fire.

However, my mom who is a part time superhero came to the rescue. She found another set of sheet music in a much more simpler key that is SO much easier for me to play. I've already gone through and gotten most of the first page down. There is definitely a change in the sound and complexity of the piece but overall its the same and much much easier to read and play. 

Also, this sheet music has already excluded Jay Z's part of the song, so that's one less thing I have to worry about. 

This weekend I am down in Statesboro for Southern's open house (hail southern!), so I'm not sure how much work I'll be able to put in this weekend. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving break coming up, not just because it's an entire week off from school and I can finally start decorating the house for Christmas, but it'll allow me so much time to dedicate just to this project. I'm really looking forward to seeing the progress I make between then and now. 

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