Friday, October 10, 2014

October 10, 2014

This past week, I have mainly been focusing on listening to the music and feeling the rhythm of the song and getting the beat down in my head and practicing the count. For someone who's only real musical experience is karaoke, I'm used to having a guide for the tempo of the song. It's gonna be completely different having to keep track of how fast or slow the song goes.

I've thought about getting one of those things that a lot of piano players have that sounds like a clock and helps keep the beat. Pendulum? Chronometer? 
Metronome! (Might have been a good idea to google that before typing out my thoughts verbatim. That's the whole point of a blog though, right?)

I'm really looking to make big progress during this three day weekend (shout out to Columbus, thanks for giving us the day off and discovering the Americas. You're the real MVP.) Having an entire extra day off will really let me be able to focus on just my 20% time project. The only downside to this is that even though, I have the day off Monday, it's a teacher work day which means my mentor (aka my mother) will have to be at work. 

My main goals for this weekend:
- go through the sheet music and look for the notes I recognize 
-refresh my memory of keys and chords on the piano (there will be lots of hot cross buns and chopsticks played over the weekend)

As soon as I have gotten that down, I'll be ready to really start taking on the piece as whole, learning bit by bit and perfecting as I go along, until I get the whole thing down.

My main goals for the following week:
-master the chorus of the song (if i master the chorus, I've mastered at least half of the song already!)

*This is just a note to self, and an easy way to get to this link. If you'd like to take a look, this is one of the websites I'm using to become a better pianist :-)

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