Thursday, December 18, 2014

Finished Product!!

Didn't quite accomplish all my goals, but very proud of what I have to show!

Here is the link to my video!

Friday, December 5, 2014

My Piano Fingers are Growing

The past week has been nothing but practice, practice, and more practice! While I have seen huge improvement with my rhythm and ability to play not only my right hand but my left as well, ( a huge accomplishment for me )  I've noticed how anxious I get if I mess up or pause for too long. I attempted recording part of my playing on my phone, and at times I felt just as nervous as I would have felt if I were playing in front a class full of my peers. The ultimate goal now is to not only master the music, but master my ability to maintain confidence and keep my cool performing for the class.

Progress is being made! Although nervous, I am very excited to show everyone what I've learned and how much I've grown as a pianist and as a musician in general.